> Only one line of work is open to those such as you, with no job experience, skills, education, people skills, or hygiene: busking. But by the Thunderer, you are going to be the best fucking busker that ever was.
> And so, drawing influence from all the great schools of street performing, you put together an act that will be so potent as to actually seduce coins out of the pockets of onlookers.
> You paint yourself silver, learn to play the saxophone, buy an organ grinder (monkey included), achieve a level of contortionist flexibility usually reserved for twine, and prepare for the best fucking street performance that ever was and ever will be.
> During your first performance, you prove true the old adage, "there can be too much of a good thing." Midway through your first performance, every living creature within a hundred-yard radius is consumed in a magnificent pleasuregasm.
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