Whenever they get around to throwing a parade in my honor, I want to see at least one poster that just says 'Nice.'


> You venture out into the streets of this strange under-city with the intent of establishing an embassy, becoming a hero, and using that hero status to counterbalance your several misdemeanors and lesser felonies.

> But when you eventually find your way to the ruler of inner-earth, you are faced with the unpleasent shock of none other than Adolf Hitler, preserved in a state of corrupted half-life by the use of twisted arcane rituals.

> Driven into a misinformed patriotic rage at the sight of the man responsible for 9/11, you brutally assault the once-human monstrosity, and kill him and his robotic guards with your bare hands.

> Upon returning to the surface world, you are proclaimed a hero, and twice-nine parades are held in your honor.



> Play again?





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