Oh my mistake I'm sure you get that all the time


> You offer great praise and the humblest introductions to the aged being, who responds with a strange look.

> You then get nervous and start to try and make small talk like you always do when faced with awkward silence, but the Eternal One rudely insults you and your saintly mother while continuing to spew an unnatural stench.

> Okay fuck this guy.


> You are in a pitch-black room, standing too close to a very old and very rude being with breath that smells like six asses. You are about to pass out from the stench.


> Tell me where your gold is, son of the earth

> You are rude but not in a good way like breasts can be rude you are more like a person who thinks your pockets are his pockets even though they are not

> Rap battle





> Home