He is so rude he calls people in the middle of the night just to interrupt them when they ask him why he is calling them in the middle of the night.  He is so rude he goes to a Denny's and orders everything on the menu but leaves before the waitress comes back with the food and doesn't leave a tip.  He is so rude he brings a portable TV to the movie theater and watches another movie while talking about how his movie is so much better.  He is so rude that when he goes to the grocery store he takes bites out of the food that other people are buying to make sure that it isn't better than the food he is buying.


> The ancient person is too busy being inside your pockets to listen to you.

> You respond in kind by sticking your fingers inside the ancient person's business and pulling out a tellular© brand cell phone.


> You have one hand inside the pocket of a person who is rude enough to wipe poop on a friend's curtains. Your other hand holds a cell phone full of secrets.


> Look at the pictures

> Look at the contacts

> Look at the text messages





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